
5 People Type 1 Diabetics Encounter

I think the worst side effect of having type 1 diabetes is other people's ignorant comments. Most of the comments stem from this other condition, type 2 diabetes which most people commonly refer to as, diabetes. 

After awhile a lot of comments begin to look familiar. Here are the most common types of people we encounter, please enjoy, it's all for fun. 

1. The Care Giver- this person wants to help, but doesn't understand anything about type 1. Instead of learning about the disease they will bank on their ill conceived notions and repeatedly ask if you are allowed to eat things. 

2. The Relater- This is someone who knows someone else with type 2 diabetes and despite having told them already that they are completely different will bank on their type 2 diabetes knowledge repeatedly. 


Them- Do you think you'll ever get off the insulin?

Me- *internally dying*  Not unless my pancreas magically starts up again. 

3. The Prepper- This person will get you sugar free everything. They will make sure there's things that don't contain sugar every time you're around even though you've repeatedly told them you can eat sugar. 

4. The Doom Sayer

Me- I have type 1 diabetes

Them- My uncle had that, he died from it, but first he lost his legs, and then his eye sight. 

Enough said. 

5. The Naturalist- This person is completely convinced that your pancreas will start working again if you just eat more cucumbers or cinnamon, or climb the highest mountain and do a sacred fertility dance while applying organic lavender oil, I mean have you even at least *tried* that?! 

Bonus person, sometimes you get lucky and meet another person who is or personally knows someone with type 1 diabetes and that's amazing. 


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